On Friday 8th of Nov (from 9.30 to 11.00 a.m.) at Barcelona Coworking Rocks, Café Naranja with Catalina Balseiro,director of innovation and sustainability at Aguas de Barcelona (AGBAR), Nuria Campana Pallares,sustainability expert at the Merck pharmaceutical group and Marina Gaton Gonzalez-Anleo, water management advisor for the Zuiderzeeland water authority in the Netherlands.
Spain and the Netherlands are perhaps the European countries that have suffered the most from the challenges of water throughout history. Whether due to its abundance or its absence, both have been able to develop different technologies and policies to deal with them.Water governance is one of the great challenges of this century. In Europe, guidelines are being developed to optimize and unify the management of this resource throughout the continent, since water knows no borders. Although each country has its own challenges, we believe that seeking synergies between the two can make our actions more efficient: what does one need and what can the other contribute? Each site has something to offer and something to improve.We propose a first meeting, guided by experts, to discuss possible forms of collaboration and exchange of knowledge.This is a meeting open to all, but it especially promotes the participation of women in water, since this sector, like many others, has brilliant women in its action, but still few in its leadership.
Location: BarcelonaCoworking.Rocks