How to gain freedom from pain eventNov 29th 19:00-20:00Join us for an extraordinary presen... copy 4 . .
How to gain freedom from pain eventNov 29th 19:00-20:00Join us for an extraordinary presen... copy 5 . .
How to gain freedom from pain eventNov 29th 19:00-20:00Join us for an extraordinary presen... copy 7 . .
How to gain freedom from pain eventNov 29th 19:00-20:00Join us for an extraordinary presen... copy 6 . .
How to gain freedom from pain eventNov 29th 19:00-20:00Join us for an extraordinary presen... copy 8 . .
How to gain freedom from pain eventNov 29th 19:00-20:00Join us for an extraordinary presen... copy 3 . .
How to gain freedom from pain eventNov 29th 19:00-20:00Join us for an extraordinary presen... copy 2 . .
How to gain freedom from pain eventNov 29th 19:00-20:00Join us for an extraordinary presenta... copy . .
Reunión de Legales y Fiscales22 de Noviembre 19:00-21:00Queridos emprendedores de Barcelona: El miércoles 22 de noviembre, de 19.00 a 21.00 horas, hemos conseguido que un abogado español/catalán responda a las dudas relativas a cuestiones legales y fiscales que puedan tener los emprendedores extranjeros (startups) en España. encontrar. El evento tendrá lugar en nuestro espacio de coworking, BarcelonaCoworking.Rocks, situado en Avinguda Diagonal 453 bis, primera planta. Definitivamente es una gran oportunidad para conocernos mientras disfrutamos de una bebida. Envíame un mensaje privado si quieres asistir." . .
SIA - Startup Investor Accelerator17 October 2023On the 17th of October we were joined by John Sechrest, founder of SIA - Start Investor Accelerator, to have a discussion regarding Product Market Fit. It was a pleasure to receive such a group of like minden professionals, listening and helping eachother understand the fundementals of running a business.
Mesa Naranja20 june 2023Last Monday our Community Manager Anne-Katrien was invited to the Mesa Naranja in Barcelona and talked about our experiences opening BarcelonaCoworking.RocksThank you Lotte Engels Engels from Netherlands Business Support Office Barcelona (NBSO) for inviting me and giving me the opportunity to speak about our new Cowork space.
Visit of Annebeth De Vis5 june 2023This week Annebeth Vis - Barcelona-Epert from came over for a coffee. Thank you Annebeth Vis - Barcelona-exp ert en Mirjam Maarleveld for writing a nice article about BarcelonaCoworking.Rocks.Click here for the article
Jara Jager Marketing Event20 June 2023Last week we organized an event with Jara Jager from Suit Marketing in corporation with Internations Barcelona.BarcelonaCoworking.Rocks the perfect location for your events!
Spanish Start up Law Explanation Event05 Semptember 2023Happening Sept 5th at BarcelonaCoworking.Rocks
Networking Event20 September 2023Networking event with a presentation of Nuria Gelabert from Corsair Group about the road from plastic waste to oil. In corporation with Internations.